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Monas Square is Awash with Unity Indonesians Rally for Palestine

Dokument of Temporatur.com (Sunday,05/11/2023)
Dokument of Temporatur.com (05/11/2023)
Document of Temporatur.com (Sunday,05/11/2023)

Jakarta – Temporatur.com

A sea of people poured into Monas Square on Sunday morning, their presence serving as a powerful testament to their unwavering support for the rights of the Palestinian people. With heads covered in headscarves or turbans adorned with the emblem of Palestine, and dressed in a unifying shade of white, they brandished Palestinian flags as a symbol of solidarity.


Prominent Muslim figure Din Syamsuddin, who spearheaded this peaceful demonstration, spoke of its significance, stating, “Today’s action represents an alliance to defend Palestine and showcases the unity of all elements of the Indonesian nation, transcending religion, ethnicity, and political affiliations in their pursuit of peace.”

The event drew an array of notable figures, including the former chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah, a federation of Islamic organizations, as well as various mass organizations such as the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), the Indonesian Bishops’ Conference (KWI), and the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI). Also in attendance were representatives from the Indonesian Hindu Religious Council (PHDI), the Indonesian Buddhist Society (Permabudhi), and the High Council of Indonesian Confucianism (Matakin). In addition, several universities, colleges, and Islamic boarding schools joined forces to support this cause.

The overwhelming number of attendees made it difficult for the Chairman of Jajaka Nusantara, HK.Damin Sada, to enter the crowded Monas square. However, he conveyed his sentiments through a video message. Sada emphasized the importance of nationalism and patriotism, urging Muslims to remain unified. “We see determined faces, individuals who are not only striving for their own freedom and independence but also supporting the independence of Palestine, a nation oppressed by Israel for decades and subjected to inhumane treatment,” he said.

Dokument of Temporatur.com (05/11/2023)
Document of Temporatur.com (05/11/2023)

Sada continued, “The people gathered here at the National Monument may seem ordinary, but they possess unwavering hearts. They are not complainers who idly stand by; they are the courageous ones. It is due to a submissive nature that some continue to be colonized, not only by foreign powers but even in our own country, Indonesia.”

Concluding his message, Sada emphasized the importance of standing up against oppression and offering support to the Palestinian people. “Let us unite in our efforts to liberate Palestine. Let us lend our voices to the voiceless and strength to the weak. Together, we can make a difference.”

The demonstration at Monas was a powerful symbol of unity and solidarity among Indonesians from all walks of life. It showcased the nation’s unwavering commitment to supporting the rights of the Palestinian people and its determination to fight against injustice. This event highlighted that Indonesia is not only a country that values peace and harmony but also one that actively champions the freedom and independence of oppressed nations. (**)

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