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Mohammad Amin Fauzi and Jam’ah Zikir Yasin Fadilah Pray for the People of Palestine


Mohammad Amin Fauzi and Jam’ah Zikir Yasin Fadilah Pray for the People of Palestine dokument of Temporatur.com
Bekasi – West Java || Temporatur.com

The Majelis Zikir Yasin Fadilah, led by Dr. M. Amin Fauzi S.H., M.Si, a candidate for the legislative election in District 2 of Cikarang Barat – Cibitung, Bekasi Regency, prays wholeheartedly for the people of Palestine who are facing suffering due to the attacks by Zionist Israeli forces.


Hundreds of congregants from the Majelis Zikir Yasin Fadilah, study groups, and orphaned children gathered to recite zikir (remembrance of God) and send blessings to the people of Palestine. The gathering took place at the residence of MAF in Kalijeruk, Cikarang Barat, Bekasi Regency on Thursday night, November 9, 2023.

“We offer our prayers for the people of Palestine who are experiencing suffering due to the cruel actions of Israel. The attacks carried out by the Zionist forces on Gaza have been so indiscriminate,” emphasized Dr. Mohammad Amin Fauzi in his speech on Thursday, November 9, 2023.

Dr. Mohammad Amin Fauzi, also known as MAF, condemned the actions of the Jewish community. “We condemn the humanitarian crimes committed by Israel towards the people of Palestine. We also condemn the colonization carried out by Israel against Palestine,” said MAF.


“Thousands of Palestinian lives have become victims of these attacks. We must feel the moral burden and suffering of the Muslim community in Palestine,” he added. “History records that Palestine was one of the first countries in the Middle East to recognize the independence of Indonesia. We are brothers and sisters in Islam,” exclaimed MAF, a politician from the Golkar party.

During the event, loud takbirs (Allah is Great) resounded along with religious chants and blessings delivered by MAF, the Kyais (Islamic scholars), and the attending ustadz (religious teachers) who took turns in proclaiming prayers and supplications for the people of Palestine.

Dr. M. Amin Fauzi, as a prospective legislator, urged all congregants to care about the fate of the Palestinian people and strive to create peace and justice in Palestine by seeking help, guidance, and blessings from Allah SWT.

“We need to remember and be recorded in history that Palestine was the first country in the Middle East to recognize Indonesia’s independence in 1945,” said MAF. He mentioned that on November 10, which marks National Heroes Day in Indonesia, history shows that the Dutch did not acknowledge Indonesia’s independence in 1945, leading to the aggression launched by the Netherlands in Surabaya in 1949. The fighters, along with Kyais and other religious figures such as Bung Tomo and KH. Hasyim As’ari, stood up to defend Indonesia’s independence with their jihad and sacrifice. Alhamdulillah, we continue to uphold our independence to this day.

“Let us unite and pray for the people of Palestine, that they may be granted victory and safety. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!” concluded MAF in his closing remarks. (Red)

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